Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I originally started 3 different blogs, one for family fun things to do, one for different recipes to share and one for creative fun projects---why I started 3 different ones I have no idea!  I rather quickly realized that I don't need 3, I barely manage my family one and was in way over my head trying to put up material for all of them!  So I decided to start this blog...

Like the title states, I am not the "domestic" type, I am far from it, but I do try---my husband and I laugh about it all the time because I'll go on spurts of being domestic, I get all excited and go go go and then lose interest and then start right back up again!  I used to work full time...over time, a lot and since having my twin boys I was given the opportunity to stay home with all 3 of my kids!  I love it, it's great but it's really hard getting used to going from being in a corporate world with adult interaction, going to lunch, being in meetings, going to happy hour, taking off whenever we want- just the 2 of us to baby talking, poopy diapers, being thrown up on all the time, taking my daughter to and from places, being home by 7pm everynight, crazy school projects, little kid attitudes, etc etc...

Now that I am a stay at home mom I feel like I have to give it my best shot as being somewhat domestic, but making sure that as a mom, I'm having fun and enjoying it!  Anyone who knows me, knows I don't like to just sit at home and be a bum all day...Although I do have my "bummy days" every so often,  I enjoy doing different activities and it's time to make the most of my days! 

So here's to somewhat becoming domestic!!