Monday, March 22, 2010

Chores = Shopping Spree!

I feel that it is important to have kids help around the house--- when they're at the right age of course!

My daughter helps out around the house a lot now, so we've set up certain chores for her to do certain days of the week.  And even though I absolutely hated doing them when I was little, I feel that it was quite beneficial and teaches responsibility!  We originally had it where if she did her chores she would earn allowance, well that didn't work so well...she wasn't as motivated and if she didn't earn the few bucks she was fine.  So, I'm trying something new & hopefully motivating...

 (Chore chart purchased at Target)
If she does her chores for the entire month then she will get a $20.00 shopping spree!  Each week she'll earn $5.00, may not be a lot to us adults but to kids is plenty of money :o)  I told her she could buy whatever she wanted at the end of the month, it was her money...she even asked me, "Could I save my money and use it on something big or put it in my account at the bank?" I thought that was so cute & smart!!