Saturday, March 20, 2010

Family Calendar

Every year Rob's family puts together this amazing family calendar! 

The cover is always of his parents...

This is a glimpse of each month...

What's so great about this, are the pictures...each month indicates who's birthday or anniversary it is and it's so wonderful to see everyone especially since we all don't live in the same state! 

 I look forward to getting every year!! Our niece, Sam, designed this years by using Creat Photo Calendars.  Thanks Sam, it turned out great!!

Courtesy of the (extended) Majorek Family


Amy said...

OH MY GOODNESS! Your family is MY famiy!!
My sister, Laurie, is married to Steven:) So fun to see pics of family on this post and recognize them and realize how small a world this is!!
I featured your blog yesterday on a post, my sis saw it and told me about the connection.
Too fun! Thanks for having me in your blogroll, I've enjoyed yours, too.

Ashley Majorek said...

Oh my gosh! I love your blog, I came across it a long time ago and then found it again through her blog!! I finally realized she was your sister!

Thanks so much for featuring my blog, I just started it to share some of things I enjoy and hopefully people read it :o)

I hope you didn't mind that I put yours in my blog roll---I just couldn't help not sharing your great site with everyone!!
