Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Write it down...

Sometimes being a parent and/or wife can be very stressful, but we don't always get to say how we really feel.  Whether it's to be nice or not start an arguement etc...we sometimes hold it in.  Whatever that reason may be, it's not good to keep it in so, I have a solution!

A Journal...
I have been using a journal for quite some time now and I have to be honest, even if I tell my husband or friends how I'm feeling sometimes I don't get it all out.  So I write it down and I feel so much better!  No matter what I write, I don't have to worry that I'll be told I'm wrong for feeling that way or feel judged in way! 

 It's a great way for me to relieve a lot of stress and I hope it can help you too!!