Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ice Cream in a bag!

This is great for the hot days in Arizona!!

What you'll need:

-1 gallon Ziploc bag
-1 quart Ziploc bag (heavy duty)


4 cups ice
1/4 cup salt
1 cup whole milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons sugar


1. Pour the milk, vanilla extract, and sugar into the small Ziploc bag. Squeeze as much air out as possible and seal the bag carefully.

2. Place the small Ziploc bag down into the large bag. Cover with salt and ice. Seal the large bag tightly.

3. Shake, toss, and flip the ice cream for 5 to 10 minutes. If the bag gets too cold to handle, wrap it with a towel or newspaper or pass it from person to person.

4. Open both bags and spoon the ice cream into small cups or just eat from the bag. Enjoy!!

Flavor Variations:

1. Substitute other extract flavors for vanilla

2. Omit the vanilla and half the sugar, then add strawberry or chocolate syrup to the milk mixture.

Enjoy your homemade ice cream!

Friday, March 26, 2010

FREE Chick-fil-A!


  • 5pm-8pm Friday, March 26th
  • Dress in pjs and recieve a FREE meal of your choice
  • FREE breakfast samples
  • Crafts and the cow!
(2900 E Germann (202/Gilbert Rd.))

I have been told that multiple, if not all of the Chick-fil-A locations are having this deal, before going please double check that your location is supporting this ad!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Chores = Shopping Spree!

I feel that it is important to have kids help around the house--- when they're at the right age of course!

My daughter helps out around the house a lot now, so we've set up certain chores for her to do certain days of the week.  And even though I absolutely hated doing them when I was little, I feel that it was quite beneficial and teaches responsibility!  We originally had it where if she did her chores she would earn allowance, well that didn't work so well...she wasn't as motivated and if she didn't earn the few bucks she was fine.  So, I'm trying something new & hopefully motivating...

 (Chore chart purchased at Target)
If she does her chores for the entire month then she will get a $20.00 shopping spree!  Each week she'll earn $5.00, may not be a lot to us adults but to kids is plenty of money :o)  I told her she could buy whatever she wanted at the end of the month, it was her money...she even asked me, "Could I save my money and use it on something big or put it in my account at the bank?" I thought that was so cute & smart!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Family Calendar

Every year Rob's family puts together this amazing family calendar! 

The cover is always of his parents...

This is a glimpse of each month...

What's so great about this, are the pictures...each month indicates who's birthday or anniversary it is and it's so wonderful to see everyone especially since we all don't live in the same state! 

 I look forward to getting every year!! Our niece, Sam, designed this years by using Creat Photo Calendars.  Thanks Sam, it turned out great!!

Courtesy of the (extended) Majorek Family

Flower's of the week!

Fry's had amazing deals on flowers this week!!
Sunflowers: $3.99 & Roses: $5.00

Home made Spaghetti Sauce

Most of the time I just purchase the jar spaghetti sauce, but homemade is so much better!!  My family seems love the homemade over the jar stuff too....this is a recipe that I got from my mom, it's so yummy!! 


3 (12oz) Cans of Tomato Paste
6-7 cans of water (use tomato paste cans to measure)
1 medium onion (chopped)
1/4 cup green pepper (chopped)
2 cloves of garlic (minced)
1/2 tsp. of garlic powder
1/4 cup of oil (extra virgin olive oil)
1/4 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. sweet basil
1 small bay leaf
1 tbs. jsugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1lb ground beef


In an 8 quart pan, saute' onion, green pepper & garlic in oil.  Add tomato paste and water.  Stir until smooth then add the remaining spices.  Brown 1lb of ground beef and add to sauce.  Simmer uncovered for 1 to 2 hours.

Courtesy of Mom Carey


Sorry for all the posts today...for whatever reason it was a crazy week!!! Hope you enjoyed them!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Flowers always make you smile!

Growing up my mom always had flowers for special days...birthday's, anniversaries, parties etc.  And I just loved having them!  They make you smile & feel special especially if they are given to you by someone you love!  Now I have flowers in our house, more often than none...this is my one splurge that I do quite frequently :o)

When I go to the grocery store I always hit up the floral department (Fry's has great deals on bouqets!).  My daughter just loves when we have them in the house---she especially loves the smell of roses as do I!

I purchased these from Fry's- 1 dozen for $6.99!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Holiday Picture Project

Everyone takes a Christmas picture -or- you have kids that take a picture with Santa, right? Of course we do! Well here's a cute way to cherish those moments for years to come!

After Christmas when everything is clearanced out, go and pick out a holiday picture frame---it can be completely cheesy, classy or whatever you like!  Put your favorite picture from this holiday season and place it in the frame.  Store it with your decor until the next year comes.  Once the next year comes pull out your frame and display for everyone to see! 

Our family decided that we are going to use their Santa pictures!!  I plan on making them take a picture with Santa until they're 18 :o)

(This frame cost me $4.99 from Michaels & the picture was $0.19 from Target)
The best part of this is, if you do this every year until your kids are 18 or older not only do you get to see the different styles from years past but you get to share so many stories!  As I have come to realize quite quickly, when you have kids and try to take the family photo, it never turns out quite like you want it and there's always a story behind each shoot! 

Courtesy of Sarah Richardson

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who wants Cake?!

I absolutely love cake!  As I'm sure most of you do too!!  My favorite is chocolate with whip cream frosting from Fry's---yum yum!  Can't always buy a cake for no reason, but you can always make one...it's cheaper and you can put your own personal touch into it!!  I was watching Live! With Regis & Kelly the week before Valentine's Day and they were featuring different chocolate recipe's and this one was my favorite...


    *You will need 1 cookie tin*
-4 oz. of butter
-4 oz. of bittersweet chocolate
-3 eggs
-1 oz of sugar
-1 1/4 ounces cake flour

    Suggested Toppings:

Vanilla or Mint Ice Cream
Whipped Cream
Heath Bar
Rainbow Sprinkles
Caramel Sauce
Chocolate Sauce

      Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees

-Melt butter & chocolate together in one bowl and whisk eggs & sugar together in separate bowl
-Combine melted chocolate mixture into egg and sugar mixture
-Whisk in cake flour

Pour cake mix into can, bake for 10 minutes until outside of cake is set and center is still soft. Note: Baking time may vary.

Top cake with your choice of toppings & ENJOY!

Courtesy of Live! With Regis & Kelly and David Burke- Fishtail Restaurant NYC

Chicken Taco Ring

Here is now one of my favorite recipes to make! My daughter loves this, as does our entire family. It's cheap, quick and easy plus the kids can help make it!

-1b of chicken (breast or tenders)
-1 package of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
-Shredded Cheese (your choice, I have used Mexican cheese & Mild Cheddar)
-1 package of McCormick Chicken Taco Seasoning or any seasoning of choice **FYI- "McCormick Chicken Taco Seasoning" is hard to find, I have found it only at Fry's--pictured is just reg. chicken seasoning**
       **To make more, just double ingredients above**

       Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Cook the chicken until completely done on stove top, then follow the back of the seasoning package or season the chicken to your liking. Roll out the crescent rolls on a cookie sheet---You can either place them in a circle with the "fat or wider" part of the roll overlapping each other in order to make the circle or lay them flat on the cookie sheet, it's your preference.

Then add the chicken to "fat or wider" portion to the crescent roll. Sprinkle cheese on top of the chicken to your liking. Then fold the top portion of the crescent roll over the chicken and bake for 9-11 minutes until golden brown.

Courtesy of The Kates Family

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I originally started 3 different blogs, one for family fun things to do, one for different recipes to share and one for creative fun projects---why I started 3 different ones I have no idea!  I rather quickly realized that I don't need 3, I barely manage my family one and was in way over my head trying to put up material for all of them!  So I decided to start this blog...

Like the title states, I am not the "domestic" type, I am far from it, but I do try---my husband and I laugh about it all the time because I'll go on spurts of being domestic, I get all excited and go go go and then lose interest and then start right back up again!  I used to work full time...over time, a lot and since having my twin boys I was given the opportunity to stay home with all 3 of my kids!  I love it, it's great but it's really hard getting used to going from being in a corporate world with adult interaction, going to lunch, being in meetings, going to happy hour, taking off whenever we want- just the 2 of us to baby talking, poopy diapers, being thrown up on all the time, taking my daughter to and from places, being home by 7pm everynight, crazy school projects, little kid attitudes, etc etc...

Now that I am a stay at home mom I feel like I have to give it my best shot as being somewhat domestic, but making sure that as a mom, I'm having fun and enjoying it!  Anyone who knows me, knows I don't like to just sit at home and be a bum all day...Although I do have my "bummy days" every so often,  I enjoy doing different activities and it's time to make the most of my days! 

So here's to somewhat becoming domestic!!